In the morning of September 1st, 2008, Du Xiaolin, the Vice president, met the delegation of the American Pet Food Association. The members of the delegation includes Mr. Bai Lewan--the Agricultural councilor of the American embassy, Dr. Nancy K. Cook--the vice president of the American Pet Food Association, Dr. Kurt Gallagher--Director of the Export and Development Department of the American Pet Food Association, Dr. Michel from the Pennsylvania University, and Li Yangzi--the Chinese representative of the American Pet Food Association. In the meeting, Du Xiaolin, the vice president, expressed his royal welcome to the visitors, gave a general introduction on the development, the subjects, the situation of teacher and student, and the school running features, and carried out a communication with the American Pet Food Association and the Pennsylvania State University on the further cooperation. Also An Jian--the Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office, Lu Lin--the secretary of the general Party branch of the Animal Science and Technology Department, and Jin Jing--the Deputy Dean of the department joined the meeting.
Dr. Michel presented the memento to Vice president Du Xiaolin and showed his appreciation with the warm reception and his wishes for the deeper bilateral intercourse.