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Deaf girl admitted into BUA
Author:BUA Time:2009-09-24 16:21:41
   Liu Lu is a new undergraduate student at BUA. She scored 538 out of 720 on her college admission test. She is deaf.

     Lu Liu’s family noticed that she is deaf when she was two. They noticed because she doesn’t cry like other babies when loud noises occur. Her mother decided to quite her job to look after her when the doctors confirmed Lu Liu has congenital neural deafness.

     Lu Liu went to public school but the public school doesn’t have special education. So she has to attend classes with the kids that don’t have disabilities. Learning to speak Chinese is hard enough for Lu Liu; Lu has to learn to speak English in the fourth grade. Lu’s mother decided to

     Lu scored a 120 out of 120 on her English portion of college admission test. Lu is a Plant Science and Technology attend English classes with Lu, so Lu could learn English better. major at BUA right now.

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